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March – the opening of a very special quilt exhibit – newly groomed and marked hiking trails, complements of the 10 Mile River Watershed Alliance. Stand inside the sycamore!
April – the fish return! Learn more about this amazing effort to bring back the herring.
May- Master Gardener Mother’s Day – free plants for moms – free seeds – soil testing

June- Art at Hunts  June 26 12-5 PM rain or shine!



“Keep Me Warm One Night”An Exhibit of Antique and New Quilts at Hunt House

The receipt of an unusual quilt made in 1909 by Walter Cunningham, who was born and lived his life at the Bishop Farm on Pleasant Street prompted a check of the EPHS archival quilts available for an exhibit: 9 was the tally. Also available were the Blackstone Valley National Corridor quilt with an East Providence square done by member Rose Sirenski and the Crescent Park commemorative quilt made by Beverly Simmons, daughter of the park owner. These, and other member family quilts, will be on view for this new exhibit which will run March through August. We are very excited to be partnering with Piecemakers, a quilting group based at Newman Church. This group will help docent the exhibit, show pieces of their own fine work, present  a program at the April 4th meeting at Newman Church and answer questions about getting started at the art of quilting. As usual, there will be an interactive quilting activity for everyone to try.

Note: this exhibit can be open for small groups with a donation to the EPHS.

“Quilting: the Art Which Never Fails to Warm our Hearts”

This April 4th general meeting/presentation marks the official opening of the quilt exhibit “Keep Me Warm One Night” at the John Hunt House – 65 Hunt Mills Road in the Rumford section of East Providence.The Piecemaker Quilting Group has been meeting at Newman Church since 2000 “to promote the appreciation, enjoyment and knowledge of quilting as an art and craft form.” Jean L. Kesner will present the history of quilting with a specific emphasis on American Feedsack quilts. Award winning quilter, Brenda Devine will share her Baltimore Album quilts as well as a quilt named “Dear Jane” which contains 225 patterns from the historic 1863 Jane Stickle quilt on view at the Bennington Museum in VT. The public is encouraged to bring their own quilts to share after the presentation.