Schedule of Events
FARMERS’ MARKET: 10-3 – EPHS will have informational table ****
TOCKWOTTON: 10-3- Main EPHS exhibit in Café area: “ ****
TOCKWOTTON THEATER: 12:15, 1:15, 2:15 Waterfront Commission Presentation by Bill Fazioli. A brief look at what’s on the drawing board for the EP waterfront – a “must see” for boat tour goers.
**WALKING TOUR #3: 11:AM and 1:00PM “Queen Anne Land” -Walnut Street to Cross St to Summit Street. Led by our own David Kelleher, this tour celebrates the late 19th century growth of EP and the professional class attracted to the Seekonk heights. Tours leave from Gilmore’s Flower Shop- 76 Taunton Avenue. Meet us there or catch the shuttle from Tockwotton at 10:45 and 12:45. No reservations required.
** Watchemoket Square Self-Guided Walking Tours **
BOAT TOURS: 11AM, 11:45 AM, 12:30PM, 1:15PM – EP Yacht Club -9 Pier Rd.
HEADS UP! This year the EP Planning Director Jeanne Boyle will lead boat tours north to the Phillipsdale area of the Seekonk to talk about development plans in that area. The river is lush and beautiful and you won’t want to miss this tour. Seating is very limited so reservations are a must. Please call 438-1750 to sign up. If the message machine doesn’t pick up (we’ve been having problems this summer) please call 434-0071.