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Who we are

The East Providence Historical Society is dedicated to education and preservation of stories, artifacts, and information about our great city.  The John Hunt House functions as a headquarters for regular and special events and is located in the southernmost tip of the Blackstone Valley National Heritage Corridor. Society members and volunteers have repaired and restored the building appropriate to the original design of the house.

The mission of the East Providence Historical Society is to enrich and educate the citizens of East Providence and surrounding communities about its history through excellent museum experiences and quality educational programs that are relevant and accessible to everyone.

Our vision is to be a valued, well-known and well-utilized resource for the East Providence Community as well as other surrounding cities and towns that East Providence was once a part of, thereby serving as a central hub for other historical and cultural organizations.

The East Providence Historical Society is dedicated to the preservation and stewardship of East Providence’s cultural heritage. Maintaining the museum and providing quality education programs are equal priorities. Actions around those priorities are guided by the following shared values:
• Historical Preservation: Maintain a quality museum with historical artifacts from the East Providence community.
• Education: Provide historical and educational programs to all ages both on and off-site.
• Quality: Provide excellent museum experiences and educational programming.
• Collaboration: Partner with other historical and cultural groups and institutions.
• Community: Outreach to the East Providence community to provide quality

What We Do

The Society, a nonprofit 100% volunteer organization established in 1967, accomplishes its mission in the following ways:


  • Monthly docent led Open Houses at the Hunt House Museum on the 2nd Sunday of the month from 1 pm to 3:30 pm
  • Curating, archiving, creating and maintaining historical exhibits


  • Monthly educational Member meetings on the 4th Monday of the month from 7pm to 8:30 pm
  • Monthly newsletter, The Gazette
  • Educational programs and community events in the Education Center
  • Field trips for East Providence elementary students 


  • Collaborations with the City of East Providence, schools, libraries, senior centers and other cultural and historical organizations

Master Gardener Program

  • on-site the 1st Tuesday of each month from 4 pm to 7 pm 
  • on-site the 2nd Sunday of each month from 2 pm to 4 pm
Our volunteers & members are dedicated to preserving the heritage and history of our city. If you are not a member, we invite you to join us now. Our annual dues are $25 for an individual membership, $35 for a family or corporate membership, and $250 for a Lifetime Membership. To join the historical society, you can download and complete our membership application, then mail it with a check to the address listed on the top of the application. Or, join through our PayPal link below (Using PayPal includes a nominal fee to help The Society cover the cost of this convenient service).

Membership Dues